World Can't Wait-Hawai`i is working with to bring an end to the nightmare of the Trump/Pence Regime. We've held signs, distributed leaflets, made announcements, and held actions. During October this is intensifying, all leading up to November 4th!
Following is a sampling of what we've been doing..
On September 2nd supporters of Amnesty International made a peace symbol with small cloth signs reading “Love Sacred Life”, “Dance with the Sun – Light on Earth”, Peace & Love is You”, “Inhale Love – Exhale Gratitude” some distance from the Okinawa Festival (against the fence behind the Waikiki Shell). They were threatened with arrest by police. In another area of the park Refuse Fascism supporters who were distributing the Nov 4 Call were also threatened with arrest. (Leafleting at any City & County Park is legal, including at permitted events.)

More than 100 opponents of the attack on DACA lined Ala Moana Blvd to with their signs, drums and banners, responding to call to protest within 24 hrs.
A few days later, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced plans to revoke or rescind Title IX and already has begun the process to do so. Any change that weakens Title IX protections will diminish efforts in addressing and preventing sexual assault in our schools.
In response ,several University organizations, joined by members of Women's March, Amnesty Int'l, Planned Parenthood, J20, and Refuse Fascism held a press conference on the steps of Hawai`i Hall on the University of Hawai`i Manoa Campus.
During the month of September Refuse Fascism supporters had a weekly table at the UH-
Manoa Campus Center, postered, and distributed leaflets on campus to promote Nov4th.
Last week the Trump Administration announced a new policy that would enable companies to deny women insurance coverage for birth control and issued sweeping guidance on religious freedom that can be used to roll back civil rights protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
In response, a team again donned the "Handmaid" costumes and went on a stroll through Ala Moana Shopping Center, accompanied by an accomplice wearing a "NO Fascism" T-shirt. . The "Handmaids", taken from "The Handmaid's Tale", a dystopic novel (and recently an Emmy-award winning TV series), depicts a hellish and repressive future time when the role of women is reduced to breeders.
Be on the streets on November 4th! The march will begin at Ala Moana Park. Gather at 9:30am; the march begins promptly at 10am and will end at Thomas Square, where there will be a rally with speakers, musicians, and poets. Together we MUST end this NIGHTMARE!
Hundreds of students have signed up to get information, debate, and find out how they can be part of a movement. More than 60 students have asked to be included on the RefuseFascism e-list.
Supporters have also been doing broad leafleting in the Campus Center Courtyard. When a right-wing Christian Fascist holding a big Jesus sign began shouting disgusting anti-gay, anti-science, and anti-women accusations at the students passing by a leafleter stood in front of him with a "Refuse Fascism" sign She was quickly joined by UH students who scrawled their own home-made signs.
For several hours new groups of students joined the small group between their classes. Some Christian students tried to engage the reactionary around the teachings of Christianity they believed in and were shocked at the hatred and vitriol this self-described "Christian" spewed. Some were especially shocked to hear him attributing the recent hurricanes to the "sins of LGBTQs" while praising Donald Trump as being "appointed by God".
On September 22nd a Refuse Fascism team of "Handmaids" and leafleters went to the
corner of Seaside & Kalakaua, one of the busiest corners in Waikiki, for a "performance". Dressed as "handmaids" to oppose the Trump/Pence Regime's attacks on women, three "handmaids" stood silently on the corner holding their signs while others leafleted and spoke with passers-by. Many people, including people from other countries, recognized the symbolism and took leaflets. Some asked questions. Many took photos. Some residents signed up to help make Nov 4th a success.
One of the ways Refuse Fascism is building for November 4th is through banner drops over freeways during evening rush hours. Some drivers honk; some give the thumbs up or shaka sign; far fewer flash the middle finger. Hanging banners over the freeways is a quick, easy, and legal way to get the word out to thousands. You just have to hang onto the banners and signs tightly!
There have been banner drops above the Pali Highway and above H-1 near University Avenue. More are being planned. If you want to join this or any other event, e-mail
In response, a team again donned the "Handmaid" costumes and went on a stroll through Ala Moana Shopping Center, accompanied by an accomplice wearing a "NO Fascism" T-shirt. . The "Handmaids", taken from "The Handmaid's Tale", a dystopic novel (and recently an Emmy-award winning TV series), depicts a hellish and repressive future time when the role of women is reduced to breeders.
Customers and workers stopped to stare as the group strolled through he Apple Store, the Food Court, the Shirokiya Food Court, Bloomingdale's, and the mall.
Security guard ordered the group to leave and threatened to call HPD. When Handmaids asked on what charges the guards were confused. They were asked if it was because of "attire" or their "appearance", the guards kept saying they "just knew" that this was a "silent protest" and protests weren't allowed in the Mall. When they were told that they'd look really silly if a lawsuit was filed against them and asked them to call management before arresting us and risking such a suit, they backed off and the Handmaids proceeded. Who said protesters couldn't have fun?
Throughout September supporters distributed thousands of leaflets with the November 4th Call, the pamphlet with the 7 Indictments, a beautiful new palm card, put up posters, chalked messages and carried signs.
To help build for a great beginning on July 4th contact Go to the Refuse Fascism website. Are you part of a religious community, connect with the Faith Task Force. Are you a student? Connect with the Student Task Force. "Like" the local Refuse Fascism facebook page.
Donate today to Refuse Fascism. Thousands of dollars are needed to maintain the national offices, provide living expenses for volunteers who have left their jobs or universities to volunteer full time, for publicity, and more! To find out more about donations and what they'll support click here.