During the past month we've introduced thousands of people to RefuseFascism.org in Hawai`i. We've distributed leaflets at events, displayed signs and posters, and have given talks at rallies. Here are just a few of the events we've attended:
On August 24th we joined about 20 people who came out to hold signs for Health Care for All in
front of the Federal Building. The action was just days before the vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act in Congress. There were lots of honks and thumbs up and only a few loud Trump supporters.
On August 28 about 40 people came to a gathering at Magic Island to protest the ban against transgenders in the military. While we are against U.S. military actions anywhere, oppose the military presence in Hawaii, and do not think anyone should join the U.S. military, we also firmly believe bigotry anywhere is wrong and intolerable!
On August 4th we brought our big posters listing the Trump/Pence Regime's crimes against the people to the sold-out Jack Johnson Concert Friday evening. While some of us leafleted the almost 3-hour line, the posters were held near the front of the line where everyone going to the concert could see them. Many thanked us and we got out hundreds of copies of the Call to Refuse Fascism but we were really surprised to find a lot of pro-Trump supporters in the line (maybe 25%!). Some said they thought climate change was "fake news"! What were they doing at a Jack Johnson concert? As several said, "We just listen to the music and not the words!"

On August 5th our big posters made an appearance at the fundraiser for the water protectors arrested at Standing Rock. The fundraiser, organized by 350.org, featured a new film on the resistance at Standing Rock, as well as talks by Andre Perez, Kalama Niheu, and an activist from Standing Rock. One attendee, reading the poster on the Regime's attacks on the environment commented: "I had no idea....I thought the buffoon wasn't getting
anything done!"
On August 8th people entering Hanabusa's Town Hall meeting couldn't miss our signs at the entrance. We were there to speak out against warmonger Hanabusa's support of the anti-BDS Act (which would represent a further attack on the Palestinian people, as well as on protest in the U.S) and against launching a war against North Korea (she told us not to worry about nuclear war!?!). She lied on single payer health questions,, obfuscated on most issues, and used delay tactics to make sure she couldn't respond to most of the questions people brought. The evening ended with a chant: "No attacks on BDS!".

On Sunday, August 13, two days after the murder of a counter-protester in Charlottesville, several hundred gathered at Magic Island to show their solidarity with counter-protesters and mourn the victims. Many applauded when the World Can't Wait spokesperson called on people to find the courage to stand up and fight against the Nazi thugs and white supremacists. What happened in Charlottesville must be a clarion call to everyone to fight fascism, racism, and bigotry, wherever it exists -- including in Hawai`i.
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This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept
a Fascist America!