Make Signs! Get them up NOW! Get stacks of signs ready for J20! It's urgent that we create a a spirit of resistance NOW! Begin by designing and posting them NOW, and then join us at four collective signmaking efforts:
* Saturday, January 7th, Old Stadium Park (King & Isenberg). 2-5pm.
* Sunday, January 9th, UH Manoa, Art Department (on-campus parking free on Sundays)
* Saturday, January 14th, Old Stadium Park, 2-5pm
* Wednesday, January 18, UH Manoa Sustainability Courtyard, 2-5pm
World Can't Wait will provide some cardboard and paints, but bring your own if you're able.
Get signs up in your neighborhood, on fences, on campuses, and at offices! Send photos of your signs to Need ideas? Check out the memes on the local J20 website, or at the Revolution newspaper website.
Collect T-shirts! Hawaii J20 needs every size, color or design! Clean out your drawers and tell your friends. Gather them all up and bring them to the UH Manoa Art Department office on any day except holidays. The sooner the better! Printmakers will be screening T-shirts for J20, which will be given away free of charge! Remember all of the T-shirts they made before the APEC demos? As soon as they made them they began showing up everywhere and helped build for Resistance. (The new design will be screened over the old one.)
Monday, December 26, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Get Organized!....Getting REFUSE Fascism!
Read and Sign on to the Call from RefuseFascism! And then ACT!
Get connected with Hawai`i organizers! (YES, there's a Hawai`i site with BIG plans!). And then ACT!
"Our resistance must spread rapidly to every sphere and every corner of the country. Because we refuse to accept a fascist America, millions must rise up in a resistance with a deep determination such that we create a political crisis that prevents the Trump/Pence fascist regime from consolidating its hold on the governance of society." [From the Call from RefuseFascism]
There are things every person can do! Here are just a few:
* Hold house-parties, meetings, discussions, family gatherings about the the danger of the Trump Regime and what we can do about it. Come to the Meeting being organized by World Can't Wait-Hawai`i this Thursday evening (December 22) from 6-8 at the Friends Meeting House (2426 Manoa Road). What better time than the holidays?
* Make signs against the Trump Regime. Hang them on fences, from your house, from office buildings and anywhere you can! Keep them in your car and hold at signholdings anywhere! Even a group of 2 can be effective. World Can't Wait-Hawai`i is organizing a signholding every Friday between now and January 13th from 4-6pm. This Friday (Dec. 23) the signholding is at the corner of Atkinson/King (at the Diamond Head entrance to Ala Moana Park).
* Make Resistance Viral on social media! Post memes, photos, calls, anti-Trump websites on facebook, twitter and Instagram. Spread messages by e-mail.
* Connect and Organize! Go to the J20 website and get ready for January 20! Begin organizing seminars, talks, gatherings in your churches, your clubs, your campuses and your classes on January 20th. Organize your friends and your organizations to join the marches on J20. If you're part of an organization, secure their endorsement for the day. For information contact
Following are some photos from a signholding held today at the State Capitol:
Read and Sign on to the Call from RefuseFascism! And then ACT!
Get connected with Hawai`i organizers! (YES, there's a Hawai`i site with BIG plans!). And then ACT!
"Our resistance must spread rapidly to every sphere and every corner of the country. Because we refuse to accept a fascist America, millions must rise up in a resistance with a deep determination such that we create a political crisis that prevents the Trump/Pence fascist regime from consolidating its hold on the governance of society." [From the Call from RefuseFascism]
There are things every person can do! Here are just a few:
* Hold house-parties, meetings, discussions, family gatherings about the the danger of the Trump Regime and what we can do about it. Come to the Meeting being organized by World Can't Wait-Hawai`i this Thursday evening (December 22) from 6-8 at the Friends Meeting House (2426 Manoa Road). What better time than the holidays?
* Make signs against the Trump Regime. Hang them on fences, from your house, from office buildings and anywhere you can! Keep them in your car and hold at signholdings anywhere! Even a group of 2 can be effective. World Can't Wait-Hawai`i is organizing a signholding every Friday between now and January 13th from 4-6pm. This Friday (Dec. 23) the signholding is at the corner of Atkinson/King (at the Diamond Head entrance to Ala Moana Park).
* Make Resistance Viral on social media! Post memes, photos, calls, anti-Trump websites on facebook, twitter and Instagram. Spread messages by e-mail.
* Connect and Organize! Go to the J20 website and get ready for January 20! Begin organizing seminars, talks, gatherings in your churches, your clubs, your campuses and your classes on January 20th. Organize your friends and your organizations to join the marches on J20. If you're part of an organization, secure their endorsement for the day. For information contact
Following are some photos from a signholding held today at the State Capitol:
Monday, December 5, 2016
Friday, December 9, 4-6pm
Corner of Kapiolani & Keeaumoku(in front of Walgreen's)
Last week's signholding was small, but we got a tremendous response from passersby. Help us grow our numbers this week! Tell your friends. Kapiolani & Keeaumoku is one of Honolulu's busiest intersections and thousands will see our signs. There is often street parking next to Walmart (or in the Walmart/Sam's Club parking lot in Ala Moana Shopping Center) - or take the bus.
We have some signs -- or bring your own. Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump will not act as the fascist he promised to be in his campaign needs to take a hard look at reality.
Trump has put together a very hard core of fascists in his team of Pence, Bannon, Flynn, Sessions and Pompeo and has filled this out with other like-minded minions. Check these bios.
Whether or not we can stop this team from implementing fascist policies, is literally up to us!

Corner of Kapiolani & Keeaumoku(in front of Walgreen's)
Last week's signholding was small, but we got a tremendous response from passersby. Help us grow our numbers this week! Tell your friends. Kapiolani & Keeaumoku is one of Honolulu's busiest intersections and thousands will see our signs. There is often street parking next to Walmart (or in the Walmart/Sam's Club parking lot in Ala Moana Shopping Center) - or take the bus.
We have some signs -- or bring your own. Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump will not act as the fascist he promised to be in his campaign needs to take a hard look at reality.
Trump has put together a very hard core of fascists in his team of Pence, Bannon, Flynn, Sessions and Pompeo and has filled this out with other like-minded minions. Check these bios.
Whether or not we can stop this team from implementing fascist policies, is literally up to us!
Sunday, November 27, 2016
In the Name of Humanity,
We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
Rise Up... Get Into The Streets... Unite With People Everywhere
to Build Up Resistance in Every Way You Can
Don’t Stop: Don’t Conciliate... Don’t Accommodate... Don’t Collaborate
Protest Against Trump & his Fascist Team!
Friday, December 2, 4-6pm
Friday, December 2, 4-6pm
Intersection of King/Ward
(Thomas Square)
You cannot try to “wait things out” with fascists. Those who lived through Hitler’s Germany and sat on the sidelines, looking on as Hitler rounded up one group after another, became shameful collaborators with monstrous crimes against humanity. Trump and his regime must be resisted and defied, beginning now, in many different ways and in every corner of society.
World Can't Wait-Hawai`i is calling for protests against Trump and his Fascist Team every Friday until Inauguration Day. Protests will be at busy intersections to reach the largest number of people possible. The protest on December 2 will be at the King/Ward corner of Thomas Square. Parking is usually available on Victoria or Young (there's also paid parking nearby. The protest on December 9th will be at the corner of Kapiolani/Keeaumoku (near the entrance of Ala Moana Shopping Center and in front of Walmart).
World Can't Wait-Hawai`i has organized three protests since the election and we'll continue to build resistance. Mark your calendars! World Can't Wait-Hawai`i will have an anti-Trump contingent in the MLK Day Parade on January 16, actions on Inauguration Day, and has joined a coalition planning for an action in solidarity with the Million Woman March in Washington D.C. on Saturday, January 21. Mark your calendars!
Bookmark the WCW National Website. Be sure to click on the newsletters from the National Office on the left side of the website.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Protests Against the Fascist Trump Team Continue!
World Can't Wait-Hawai`i is calling on all of us to JOIN AND SPREAD protests happening across the U.S. now, on a near-daily basis, against president-elect Trump!
Join the Protest/Signholding on Friday, November 25th (Black Friday) at the corner of Ala Moana/Atkinson from 4-6pm! Bring signs! This is a busy corner, and traffic will be at a standstill. Trolleys and buses will be jammed with tourists. Tens of thousands will see that there are determined people who refuse to live in a Fascist America!
Parking at Ala Moana Shopping Center will probably be limited; parking is available in the park or take the bus! Get together with your friends and carpool.
Following are some photos from the last three protests:
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
In the Name of Humanity,
We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America
Rise Up... Get Into The Streets... Unite With People Everywhere
to Build Up Resistance in Every Way You Can Don’t Stop: Don’t Conciliate... Don’t Accommodate...Don’t Collaborate
Donald Trump has now won the presidency. Under the slogan “Make America Great Again,” he has viciously attacked Mexicans and Muslims, threatened to deport millions and boasted that he will build walls and close borders.
He incites people to fear and hate those who are “different,” or who come from other countries or nationalities, or practice different religions. He crudely demeans and degrades women, and openly boasts about molesting them. He’s a champion of white supremacy who has insulted and threatened Black people, and whipped up a racist lynch-mob mentality. Trump has mocked the disabled. He is an aggressive and unapologetic militarist, who threatens to use nuclear weapons and will have his fingers on the nuclear codes. He openly advocates war crimes and crimes against humanity—including torture and killing the families of people accused of terrorism. He plans to pack the Supreme Court with justices who will gut and reverse the right to abortion, gay rights, and other important legal rights. He calls climate change a hoax and his policies will wreak further devastation on the environment. He has attacked and threatened the press and stirred up his supporters to do the same. Trump has utter contempt for facts and the truth, and consistently lies to advance his agenda. As for the rule of law, Trump went so far as to openly threaten his opponent, Hillary Clinton, not only with jail, but even assassination. Donald Trump is an outright fascist. And he is now the president-elect.
Fascism is a very serious thing. Fascism foments and relies on xenophobic nationalism, racism, and the aggressive reinstitution of oppressive “traditional values.” Fascism feeds on and encourages the threat and use of violence to build a movement and come to power. Fascism, once in power, essentially eliminates traditional democratic rights. Fascism attacks, jails, and executes its opponents, and launches violent mob attacks on “minorities.” In Nazi Germany in the 1930s and ’40s, under Hitler, fascism did all these things. They imprisoned millions in concentration camps and exterminated millions of Jews, Roma people (Gypsies), and other “undesirables.” And Hitler did almost all of this through the established institutions and the “rule of law.” This is where this goes.And yes, Hitler himself could “talk graciously” when he felt it would serve his interests and lull his opponents.
Trump did not even win the popular vote, (even though he did win the “electoral college” which decides elections in the U.S.). Hitler himself came to power through democratic procedures, including through the process of elections. Should people have accepted Hitler?! Unfortunately, they did, at a horrific cost to humanity. Today, with nuclear weapons, that cost could be far higher.
In the name of humanity, we must refuse to accept a fascist America!
The fact that Trump won as many votes as he did must be understood. The fact that he got more than even 10 percent of the vote is disgraceful and reveals some very ugly things about America. So why did this happen? The world today is turbulent, full of changes. Those who supported Trump’s fascist program were overwhelmingly sections of white people, especially but not only white men, who yearn for the days of open white supremacy and American global domination, and the blatant subjugation of women. A significant minority of white people did oppose him, but we have to confront how deep the racism, the national chauvinism, and the hatred of women is woven into this society... and not give in to this, but vigorously challenge and fiercely oppose it.
But even more than this, Trump was backed by powerful forces in this society. Beyond those who directly supported him, the media, the Democratic Party, and others treated him as a legitimate candidate, refused to call him out as the fascist he is, and now call on everyone to accept his ascension to power. All the major powerful forces in this society bear the responsibility—it is they who have, over decades, either built up this fascist force or have “enabled” it.
You cannot try to “wait things out” with fascists. Those who lived through Hitler’s Germany and sat on the sidelines, looking on as Hitler rounded up one group after another, became shameful collaborators with monstrous crimes against humanity. Trump and his regime must be resisted and defied, beginning now, in many different ways and in every corner of society.
Reconciliation and collaboration would be nothing less than criminal and deadly. Literally. Come together... resist... and let the whole world know that we will not allow this to stand!
This statement originally appeared on
Friday, October 14, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 4:30-6:30pm
Signholding at the corner of
(in front of Walgreen's; across from Ala Moana Shopping Center

(in front of Walgreen's; across from Ala Moana Shopping Center
Bring signs; noisemakers
The October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality,
Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation has been mobilizing every
year since 1996 for a National Day of Protest on October 22nd,
bringing together those under the gun and those not under the gun as a powerful
voice to expose the epidemic of police brutality.
Honolulu has been on the streets every year, for 21 years! Join us with your signs, noisemakers and determination to end police murder, brutality, repression, and the criminalization of a generation!
Sunday, September 18, 2016
From Pagan Island to Diego Garcia: U.S. Military OUT!
Chamorro exiles from Pagan Island are demanding the right to return to their ancestral home. Pagan Island is north of Guam in the Marianas. What's stopping them? The U.S. military's plan to turn the entire island into a bombing target and live fire range For more information see and
Chagossian exiles from Diego Garcia are demanding the right to return to their ancestral home. Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean, was previously part of Mauritius. What's stopping them? The U.S.'s use of the entire island of Diego Garcia as a strategic staging area for war. For a current summary click here;for more extensive history click here, and go to Chagossian Refugee group site.
These struggles are both linked to the U.S.'s "Pivot to the Pacific." In 2009 John Pike, an analyst of the U.S. Military, said
"Diego Garcia is the base from which we control half of Africa and the southern side of Asia, the southern side of Eurasia ... If it didn’t exist, it would have to be invented ...“we’ll be able to run the planet from Guam and Diego Garcia by 2015." The U.S.'s necessity to control both of these islands is even greater today as the U.S. implements its "Pacific Pivot."
There will be an international meeting on the struggle of the Chagossian people beginning September 23rd. One of the attendees has asked for signs of support from people in Hawai`i. Make your sign - big or small. Hold it up in front of you and take your picture. Send it to immediately and we'll forward it to the attendee.
Build a movement of resistance to endless war. Link up with World Can't Wait nationally and locally. Find out more about the Pacific Pivot. Tell your friends what's happening in Hawai`i (Pohakuloa), Guam, Pagan, Tinian, Okinawa, Jeju..... Post information on your facebook. Send out tweets. Spread resistance on social media. Only the people can stop the U.S.'s relentless march to war.
Chagossian exiles from Diego Garcia are demanding the right to return to their ancestral home. Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean, was previously part of Mauritius. What's stopping them? The U.S.'s use of the entire island of Diego Garcia as a strategic staging area for war. For a current summary click here;for more extensive history click here, and go to Chagossian Refugee group site.
These struggles are both linked to the U.S.'s "Pivot to the Pacific." In 2009 John Pike, an analyst of the U.S. Military, said
There will be an international meeting on the struggle of the Chagossian people beginning September 23rd. One of the attendees has asked for signs of support from people in Hawai`i. Make your sign - big or small. Hold it up in front of you and take your picture. Send it to immediately and we'll forward it to the attendee.
Build a movement of resistance to endless war. Link up with World Can't Wait nationally and locally. Find out more about the Pacific Pivot. Tell your friends what's happening in Hawai`i (Pohakuloa), Guam, Pagan, Tinian, Okinawa, Jeju..... Post information on your facebook. Send out tweets. Spread resistance on social media. Only the people can stop the U.S.'s relentless march to war.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Photos from the Action at the IUCN
Below are just a few of the photos taken at the action in front of the IUCN. For a report on the action see the post below the photos.
Successful Action at the IUCN!
Despite forecasts of heavy rains and wind, about 25 determined demonstrators gathered at Old Stadium Park for a short rally and march to the Hawai`i Convention Center to demand that the IUCN take meaningful action against U.S. military crimes in the Pacific and related issues. Our numbers were relatively small, but the concerns were many. Liz Rees, World Can't Wait's spokesperson, began the rally with a call to oppose the military's crimes in the Pacific and around the world. Healani Sonoda Pale (Protest Na`i Aupuni) spoke out against the desecration of Hawai`i's land and the oppression of the Hawaiian people. Joshua Noga, speaking as an individual and as Sierra Club, gave a powerful statement against military presence in Hawai`i and Ann Wright praised the activism of the people of Jeju, Okinawa, and in other struggles. Then the walk to the Convention Center together.
World Can't Wait-Hawai`i has held many actions at the Hawai`i Convention Center but has always been prohibited from standing in front, and have instead been forced to stand on a narrow sidewalk across the street. However, we decided to try again and stood inf front of the imposing glass facade with our signs and banners where we were visible to people on the escalators and on the 1st floor.
Many convention attendees immediately rushed outside, and we were suddenly talking with people from Iran, Thailand, India, Saudi Arabia, Nepal and other parts of the world. Many were taking photos. International journalists conducted interviews. Many people related their own experiences. A group of people who had come from Okinawa and are fighting against the U.S. military's plan for a base in Henoko came out to join us. A man from Puerto Rico talked about their struggle against the base at Vieques and the toxic mess left by the military. A man from India encouraged us to "walk right in," and then added that the U.S. officials wouldn't let it happen. A group from Thailand spoke out against the U.S. military training exercises in their country. Several representatives from South Asian countries talked about their fear of a U.S. war with China, and a Vietnamese representative added "my country is still contaminated," and talked about the legacy of Agent Orange.
For more than an hour we held our signs and talked with people. Many thanked us. Some asked questions about the signs: "Where's Pagan?" "Why aren't we hearing more about this at the meeting?" Others wanted to ask questions about Hawai`i: "Why are there so many homeless people sleeping on the sidewalks. Isn't there a lot of welfare in the U.S.?" "What does 'Navy Sonar Kills Whales' mean?" "What's happening in Kwajelein?" and on and on.
Throughout the action, we were met by curiosity, questions, and an eagerness to share experiences about the U.S. military. Only a few expressed disapproval, and it turned out that they were from the "U.S. Host Committee" and were not from Hawai`i.
As our action ended two IUCN delegates shared information explaining their understanding of why we had been allowed to stand in front of the Convention Center. When the IUCN met on Jeju Island several years go, activists who were struggling against a military base in Jeju attempted to talk with IUCN delegates and put forward a just demand that the IUCN take a position against the destruction of their harbor and the building of the base. The IUCN did not take action, and would not allow them to be heard. The police were called in and protesters were arrested. Many IUCN attendees were outraged and wanted to hear what the people of Jeju had to say. Their complaints to the IUCN forced the Hawai`i conference organizers to provide a "free speech area." We later spoke with several Hawai`i IUCN delegates who said they hadn't been able to find out where the promised "free speeh area" was, but our action provided the answer. While we haven't received any official confirmation of this, it appears it is in the open area in front of the Convention Center! We have activists in Jeju to thank for being visible and accessible to IUCN delegates.
About 50 people participated in Saturday's action, representing many organizations and agendas but united in their effort to speak out against never -eding war and the U.S. military's wanton destruction of the environment and the lives of the people of Hawai`i, the Pacific, and the world.
The IUCN runs through August 10th. A huge exhibit area on the first floor is free and open to the public from 11-5 on September 5, 6, 7, and 9 (closed the 8th). It's well worth a visit! Take a minute to thank the people of Okinawa who are fighting the base at Henoko (look for the booth wth the Dugong quilts), Check out the many gorgeous photos. Warning: the Army, Navy, and Air Force each has a booth boasting of their conservation efforts! The Navy even has the audacity to call themselves "Stewards to the Sea" and the AFB compares their "raptor" drone to the Hawaiian Stilt! They must be confronted about their lies!
Friday, September 2, 2016
Speak Out Against The Crimes of the U.S. Military Against the Environment and Humanity!
Demand that the IUCN Take Meaningful Action!
Saturday, September 3
9am: Rally at Old Stadium Park (at the corner of Isenberg & King)
Short statements about Red Hill, Guam, Pagan, Pohakuloa, and more
9:45: March to Convention Center
(makai along Isenberg; ewa on Kapiolani to Convention Center)
10:15-noon: Signholding in front of the Convention Center
9am: Rally at Old Stadium Park (at the corner of Isenberg & King)
Short statements about Red Hill, Guam, Pagan, Pohakuloa, and more
9:45: March to Convention Center
(makai along Isenberg; ewa on Kapiolani to Convention Center)
10:15-noon: Signholding in front of the Convention Center
Henoko - Pagan - Tinian - Guam - Pohakuloa - Makua - Barking Sands - Bikini - Kwajelein and Ebeye - Oyster Bay - Jeju - Red Hill....the list goes on and on
The U.S. Military has left a trail of destruction across the Pacific. Toxic sites. Bombed islands. Nuclear contamination. Destruction of reefs and harbors. Poisoned water. Displacement. Prostitution and crime....the crimes are innumerable!
Today these crimes are INCREASING as the U.S. military expands operations in the Pacific. Islands like Pagan and Tinian are being targeted for bombing and live fire ranges. Pohakuloa has been expanded. Base expansion in Guam. Pristine reefs being dredged.
The IUCN is the largest conservation group in the world but the military's destruction of the environment is no where on the agenda. They talk about climate change without recognizing that the U.S. military is the largest institutional user of fossil fuels in the world! They talk about biodiversity without addressing the military's destruction of native habitat. It's time for this dirty secret to be blown wide open -- and it's up to us to do it!
The U.S. Military will have a big presence at the IUCN. It will have exhibits touting its "green energy policy" and its programs to "protect biodiversity." Don't let them get away with their monstrous lies!
What About the Weather?
We'll proceed as planned if the weather is relatively clear or the rain is light. If rain is very heavy we'll go directly to the Convention Center -- and will hold our signs there unless conditions absolutely prevent doing so. We have many cloth or vinyl banners that will withstand rain.
We'll proceed as planned if the weather is relatively clear or the rain is light. If rain is very heavy we'll go directly to the Convention Center -- and will hold our signs there unless conditions absolutely prevent doing so. We have many cloth or vinyl banners that will withstand rain.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
"Greeting" Obama at the East West Center
What happened when Obama came to the East-West Center?
Last night more than 200 people stood near the entrance of the East-West Center to "greet" President Obama. About 100 held signs: "U.S. Military Destroys the Planet," "No TPP," "No More Ko`oholawe's", "Navy Sonar Kills Whales," "Military Occupation is Not Conservation, "No DOI Rule Over Kanaka Maoli" and many, many more. Many of the people without signs were UH students hoping to get a glimpse of Obama.
Barricades lined the front of the East West Center, keeping onlookers at a distance. Undercovers moved amongst activists and observers snapping photos. Others were in positions on nearby buildings with high power cameras and weaponry.
The huge variety of signs provoked a lot of conversation among the people. "What does 'Save Tinian' mean"? "What's the Dakota Pipeline"? "What's DOI"? "How are we going to stop all of this shit?".... For more than an hour new acquaintances were made and e-mails were exchanged; people walked along the several blocks lining East-West Road reading the signs and acquainting themselves with issues they'd never thought about before.
After activists received the news that Air Force One had touched down at Hickam, the K-Nine unit pulled up beside the protesters, an HPD bicycle unit began patrolling East-West Center Road, and more HPD units assumed positions.
As Obama's entourage approached some 30 minutes later, activists began chanting: "People of the World Scream and Shout, U.S. Military Get the Hell Out" and the Ku`e chant rang out loud and clear, energizing the group. More HPD cars moved in, followed by huge black SUV's. A few had windows down and doors open, revealing heavily equipped military personnel holding assault weapons. Obama's press team poured out of another and headed for the East West Center along the sidewalk. An SUV with heavily tinted windows rolled into the drive alongside the East West Center and down to the bottom floor and out of sight of on-lookers, offering Obama entry into the East-West Center away from the sight of on-lookers. Those who came to catch a glimpse of Obama were sorely disappointed.
The majority of the people continued to line East-West Road, resigned to a long wait while Obama "met with Pacific Island leaders" as promised. Not much more than 10 minutes later the entire entourage rolled out leaving everyone to wonder just how much he had listened to the concerns of the leaders gathered there in such a short time. Today's StarAdvertiser leads us to conclude that the President did no listening, but instead spent his short time there delivering a largely self-congratulatory speech on how much had been done for the environment during his presidency. We could only wonder what Pacific Island leaders thought of this photo op while the sea levels continue to rise.
As people gathered up their signs many talked about being surprised by the numbers that came out on very short notice and recounted conversations they'd had with fellow demonstrators. People remarked on how many different issues had been represented. Others talked about the militarization of the event or the amount of money spent for this 10-minute photo op.
Was the signholding a success! Our response is a resounding "yes." A diverse group of people came together. They talked with each other and among themselves. The entourage itself was a real-life lesson in militarization. And we're sure that even while Obama was probably not aware of ALL of the issues being spoken to, he could not have missed the fact that people in Hawai`i were making demands. The mainstream media remarked on the action, and the Star-Advertiser included the "U.S. Military - Get the Hell Out" slogan in their front page account of the event.
Last night's action was a great lead-up to Saturday's event, which should be both larger and speak to many more issues. The mainstream media has already announced that we'll be there, but whether it will really have an impact depends on YOU! Join us on Saturday!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
This is a postcard size palm card that World Can't Wait-Hawai`i produced. There will be people passing them out inside of the IUCN venue, as well as on the street. If you want cards, there are some available at Revolution Books. World Can't Wait will also have some at the signholding at the East-West Center on Wednesday. Just ask Liz for a stack!
Have you made your sign or banner?
Here are a few of the beautiful banners and signs that have been made for the signholdings on Wednesday and Saturday! If you haven't made one, these are just a few of the signs you could carry.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Have you signed the petition to the IUCN?
Sign the petition to the IUCN which demands that they take meaningful action against the crimes of the U.S. military in the Pacific. Read and sign the petition here.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
We just learned that President Obama will addressing Pacific leaders and philanthropists at the East West Center on Wednesday evening sometime between 5:30-7:30. JOIN US us at a signholding! Following are details of the actions on Wednesday, August 31st and Saturday, September 3rd. Read earlier posts to this blog for more information!
Tell Obama: Stop the Pacific Pivot!
Speak Out Against the Crimes of the U.S. Military in the Pacific
Wednesday, August 31, 5pm
Meet at the corner of Dole & East-West Center Road
Speak Out Against the Crimes of the U.S. Military in the Pacific
Wednesday, August 31, 5pm
Meet at the corner of Dole & East-West Center Road
Bring signs if you can. We also have a number of signs and banners (some of which you can see on our blog). Bring water. We don't know how long the signholding will last, but we may be there for several hours. We'll try to get as close to the East West Center as we can (aiming for the front of Kennedy Theater), but at this point access is unclear. It's also possible Obama may cancel this visit and if so we'll send out a notice ASAP.
Speak Out Against U.S. Military Crimes in the Pacific
Saturday, September 3, 9am-noon
9am: Gather at Old Stadium Park (King & Isenberg) for a short Rally
9:30: March to the front of the Convention Center
10-12: Signholding in front of the Hawai`i Convention Center
Saturday, September 3, 9am-noon
9am: Gather at Old Stadium Park (King & Isenberg) for a short Rally
9:30: March to the front of the Convention Center
10-12: Signholding in front of the Hawai`i Convention Center
The walk from Old Stadium Park to the Convention Center is relatively short (1 mile). We'll walk from Old Stadium Park along Isenberg to Kapiolani and then to the front of the Convention Center. If you can't do the walk, join us at the Convention Center between 10-12. Bring your signs, water and sunscreen.
5,000 people have now registered for the IUCN Conference being held at the Convention Center, and hundreds of journalists are expected to be present. This is not a protest against the IUCN, but is an effort to call their attention to the ongoing crimes of the U.S. in the Pacific. These crimes are being accelerated as the U.S. "pivots to the Pacific" to prepare for a potential war against China, and Pacific nations are in the crosshairs. Many attending the IUCN are ignorant of the U.S. military's environmental and cultural destruction in the Pacific. We intend to make these concerns known. Make your signs now!
Friday, August 19, 2016
Take Action Against U.S. Military Crimes in the Pacific!
Friday, July 29, 2016
Rally, March and Signholding; Saturday, September 3
9am: Rally at Old Stadium Park; March to Convention Center
10am: Signholding at the Hawai`i Convention Center
Rally, March and Signholding; Saturday, September 3
9am: Rally at Old Stadium Park; March to Convention Center
10am: Signholding at the Hawai`i Convention Center
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Congress, the
world’s largest conservation organization, will meet in Hawai`i from September
1-10, 2016. 10,000 participants and
1,000 journalists are expected to attend.
Its theme is "Planet at the Crossroads" and sustainability,
climate change, biodiversity, and indigenous rights will be among its
focuses. Yet
nowhere is there mention of the horrors of military expansion in the Pacific. This
is unacceptable!
The U.S. Military:
- is the single largest
institutional consumer of fossil fuels in
the world and a major contributor of climate change
- is responsible for egregious and widespread pollution
of the planet, including uninhibited use of fossil fuels, massive creation of
greenhouse gases, and extensive release of radioactive and chemical
contaminants into the air, water, and soil
- has
bombed entire islands into
oblivion. It has poisoned both water and soil, making sea-life, fruit and vegetables
dangerous to health. It has routinely dredged harbors and destroyed
life-sustaining reefs. Its wanton destruction
of the land and sea has undermined cultural practices of indigenous people
throughout the Pacific.
- has
bases throughout the Pacific which have been responsible for the removal of
hundreds of thousands of indigenous people
from their native lands, forcing them to live in poverty in countries not their
own, and have been responsible for increased prostitution and rape throughout
the Pacific.
- Through its actions it has ravaged biodiversity, resources and indigenous populations throughout the world.
Think about Kwajelein,
the Philippines, Hawai`i, Okinawa and Guam.
Think about the bombing of Bikini, Kaho`olawe, Makua, Pohakuloa. The list goes on and on and on.
These horrors are not horrors of the
past. They continue, and are escalating today as
the U.S. implements its “Pivot to the Pacific.” The
U.S. is building and expanding bases, bombing more islands, and destroying more
harbors and reefs.
That the IUCN is not taking a
position against these crimes is UNACCEPTABLE.
We demand that the voices and
concerns of the people of the Pacific who oppose this expansion of the military
be heard and that meaningful action be taken.
To sign this Call contact us at
To sign this Call contact us at
Friday, July 15, 2016
More photos from the July 13 March Against Police Terror
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Photos from the March Against Police Terror
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