Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Photos from November 4th March & Rally

March beginning at Ala Moana and Pi`ikoi and ending at Thomas Square
-Lead Banner-


"Sound carts" beat out a rhythm to the chants


Christine Ahn, Ann Wright, Gwen Kim, and Christine's daughter, Jeju, demanding an end to Trump's calls for war on North Korea
Josh Kim with Alyssa, speaking of  the UH Rainbow Alliance, on attacks on LGBTQ 
State Representative Kaniela Ing

Noel Kent, on his experiences on the march from Charlottesville to D.C.

Hector Valenzuela, on the effects of Trump's environmental policies on the people of the world.

Liz Rees, delivering the Refuse Fascism keynote speech.

Poet Jesse Lipmann
Marti Townsend, on the Trump's attacks on the environment and impacts on Hawai`i