Hundreds, in several major cities, took to the streets and raised a unified demand: THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! This signifies something new. An organized force proposing a bold plan to demand that an entire regime be removed from power because it is fascist and what that would mean for the future of humanity and the planet. Watch the national video, read the reports from various cities, including the report from Houston where the protest carried on in spite of being confronted by fascists armed with automatic weapons.
Honolulu was in the mix, where our relatively small protest made a really big impact! Here's our report.
When they gave us the thumbs-up, clapped and joined the chants we were fully energized.
As the march continued along Kalakaua, tourists at the hula mound and seated on the benches raised their camera and i-pads to take photos.
Many found ways to show their support; a few shouted "I support Trump!" or frowned This wasn't what they had expected on their vacation.
As we approached the Cheesecake Factory a white GI tried to muster his group of 7-8 to counter us and began shouting USA! His group divided, with several Latinos in the group giving us their thumbs up and smiling broadly. The effort to counter us failed and the pro-Trump guy was silenced.
As we crossed Kalakaua and headed back our chants got louder: "No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA!" A ventriloquist performing on Kalakaua Avenue joined the chant.
As the sun was setting we crossed back over to the beach side of Kalakaua. People sitting on their high-rise hotel lanais to watch the sunset stood up to watch. The scene was surreal as we chanted in front of Duke's statue and Liz stepped up on the sea-wall to agitate, calling on everyone do everything possible to prevent the Trump/Pence Regime from their power.
As we returned to the Zoo, once again the crowds at Walls and in front of Starbuck's began dancing to the chats, clapping and cheering. A line of surfer youth joined our chants.
When the march ended our disappointment with the size of group had dissipated and instead many of us continued to talk about what a big impact our group had and our plans for the future!
If you're not on our e-list and want to be notified about what's happening next, let us know at We're on the streets almost every week and often don't get our actions up on this blog!
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